For those who enjoy the SMP experience with some minor additions! Construct aims to build on SMP by introducting additional features that aid building and roleplay. In addition, there are some elements of mystery and adventure.
Dyn Map
all features
Chat Bubbles
Talking in-game will reveal a small holographic chat bubble above your head.
Richer Rocks
You have a small chance to obtain extra materials and minerals when mining!
The endgame of verticle transportation. You can instantly transport yourself up or down instead of taking the stairs.
Holographic Item Names
Special items will show their name when dropped on the ground.
Deep Dark Horror
Spending too long in the pitch dark deep underground? You may be eaten by a grue!
Siktouch Spawners
You can silktouch spawners using a special spawner pickaxe.
Expanded Enchantments
More enchantment types are available through the enchanting table. However, some can only be obtained as a drop.
Party System
Create a party and invite your friends to chat privately or to share experience and loot when hunting mobs.
Here be dragons
Revamped ender dragon boss fight. More health, More Mechanics, More Loot!
Special Crafting
Craft your regular vanilla items and special items in the same workbench!
Mob Kidnapping Capture
Craft a special egg that allows you to kidnap capture mobs in a pokémon like fashion.
Allows you to copy, rotate, mirror, and paste your builds for easier base building!
Block Bank
Allows you to store an (almost) infinite amount of each block type to make building a lot easier and organisation less of a chore.
Chunk Claiming
Claim chunks from the wilderness using a block of crying obsidian to make them your own. Everything inside your claims are protected.
Builders Wand
A vanilla variant of the debug wand! You can shape blocks to your hearts content!
Mutant Mobs
Sometimes monsters will spawn as a mutant type or as a mutant mini-boss type with special loot. Some types of mutants only spawn in particular biomes and/or environments.
Coming Soon
Extra dimensions
There are other dimensions to explore! You'll have to figure out how to get there though.
Coming Soon